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input TransactionBlockFilter {
function: String
kind: TransactionBlockKindInput
afterCheckpoint: UInt53
atCheckpoint: UInt53
beforeCheckpoint: UInt53
affectedAddress: SuiAddress
sentAddress: SuiAddress
inputObject: SuiAddress
changedObject: SuiAddress
transactionIds: [String!]


TransactionBlockFilter.function ● String scalar

Filter transactions by move function called. Calls can be filtered by the package, package::module, or the package::module::name of their function.

TransactionBlockFilter.kind ● TransactionBlockKindInput enum

An input filter selecting for either system or programmable transactions.

TransactionBlockFilter.afterCheckpoint ● UInt53 scalar

Limit to transactions that occured strictly after the given checkpoint.

TransactionBlockFilter.atCheckpoint ● UInt53 scalar

Limit to transactions in the given checkpoint.

TransactionBlockFilter.beforeCheckpoint ● UInt53 scalar

Limit to transaction that occured strictly before the given checkpoint.

TransactionBlockFilter.affectedAddress ● SuiAddress scalar

Limit to transactions that interacted with the given address. The address could be a sender, sponsor, or recipient of the transaction.

TransactionBlockFilter.sentAddress ● SuiAddress scalar

Limit to transactions that were sent by the given address.

TransactionBlockFilter.inputObject ● SuiAddress scalar

Limit to transactions that accepted the given object as an input. NOTE: this input filter has been deprecated in favor of affectedObject which offers an easier to under behavior.

This filter will be removed with 1.36.0 (2024-10-14), or at least one release after affectedObject is introduced, whichever is later.

TransactionBlockFilter.changedObject ● SuiAddress scalar

Limit to transactions that output a versioon of this object. NOTE: this input filter has been deprecated in favor of affectedObject which offers an easier to understand behavor.

This filter will be removed with 1.36.0 (2024-10-14), or at least one release after affectedObject is introduced, whichever is later.

TransactionBlockFilter.transactionIds ● [String!] list scalar

Select transactions by their digest.

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transactionBlocks query